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हमारा अनुसरण करें

सीलेंट-बी के लिए एक पूरा-घर कस्टम योजना(सातवां, पत्थर की मेज का खिड़की की तरफ, या कुछ सजावटी ट्रिमिंग इत्यादि, जब तक कि सीलेंट और सुशोभित करने के लिए सीलेंट की आवश्यकता उचित उत्पादों की पसंद के प्रदर्शन के अनुसार उपयोग की जा सकती है। की सिफारिश को सु

सीलेंट-बी के लिए एक पूरा-घर कस्टम योजना(सातवां, पत्थर की मेज का खिड़की की तरफ, या कुछ सजावटी ट्रिमिंग इत्यादि, जब तक कि सीलेंट और सुशोभित करने के लिए सीलेंट की आवश्यकता उचित उत्पादों की पसंद के प्रदर्शन के अनुसार उपयोग की जा सकती है। की सिफारिश को सु

2021-08-18 10:26:36

Yesterday, we made a detailed proposal for some locations of home decoration, but in real life, we may not only use these places, so let"s take a look at where we can use sealant!

Fourth, children"s rooms and bedrooms also use ceramic tiles to decorate, but Kelin seam agent manufacturer s products suggest the use of waterborne tile grout.

Children"s room and bedroom are basically used to sleep more time, so, some owners with wood grain brick should choose more environmentally friendly and healthy water porcelain products, water porcelain is water-based sealant, non-toxic and odorless, very suitable for the decoration of baby room and bedroom.Will not bring trouble to the family"s physical health.

Fifth, in the porch or outdoor, Mosaic tile filling, it is recommended to use waterborne epoxy adhesive .

The waterborne epoxy adhesive of Kolin brand is a large dose of barrel packaging, with construction tools inside the packaging, instead of using glue guns for caulking, the scraper is used to fill the gaps.Construction is more convenient, especially for the small size ceramic tile such as Mosaic, construction is very convenient.

Sixth, some owners of the TV background wall will have a certain tile design, so from the construction point of view, two components of the real porcelain, sand porcelain and water porcelain are optional, the owner can be based on the color of ceramic tile and interior decoration style to match, will have a good effect.

The above is the whole house customization plan of Kelin sealant factory , to see which product is more suitable for your decoration?Please feel free to contact kelin epoxy gap filler supplier to purchase products