Home > News > उद्योग समाचार > सीलेंट निर्माण का ज्ञान-ए(सर्दी: जब इनडोर तापमान 5 ℃ से कम होता है, तो सीलेंट के निर्माण से पहले 50 ℃ -60 ℃ का गर्म पानी का उपयोग किया जा सकता है। मुहरबंद राज्य में सीलेंट उत्पाद की बोतल मुंह को कस लें, और निर्वहन मुंह नीचे है और नीचे है (पानी में प्
हमारा अनुसरण करें

सीलेंट निर्माण का ज्ञान-ए(सर्दी: जब इनडोर तापमान 5 ℃ से कम होता है, तो सीलेंट के निर्माण से पहले 50 ℃ -60 ℃ का गर्म पानी का उपयोग किया जा सकता है। मुहरबंद राज्य में सीलेंट उत्पाद की बोतल मुंह को कस लें, और निर्वहन मुंह नीचे है और नीचे है (पानी में प्

सीलेंट निर्माण का ज्ञान-ए(सर्दी: जब इनडोर तापमान 5 ℃ से कम होता है, तो सीलेंट के निर्माण से पहले 50 ℃ -60 ℃ का गर्म पानी का उपयोग किया जा सकता है। मुहरबंद राज्य में सीलेंट उत्पाद की बोतल मुंह को कस लें, और निर्वहन मुंह नीचे है और नीचे है (पानी में प्

2021-08-27 10:50:08

The external factors affecting the effect of sealant construction are temperature, humidity, ventilation and construction details, and the internal factors are such as the problems of the product itself.Let"s take a closer look at each of these details.

Take the products of Kelin epoxy tile grout as an example, the first problem that needs to be paid attention to during construction is:

A, temperature,

1, construction temperature requirements: within the range of 5℃-35℃

Winter or cold weather construction: if the house does not have heating, you can use electric heaters to raise the temperature of the room.In construction sites where conditions permit, the air conditioning can be properly turned on to raise the temperature of the construction site to more than 5 ° C.

Summer construction: temperature generally has no effect.

2, construction environment requirements: avoid cold wind and damp air

Winter or rainy construction: cold wind is easy to cause cracking and contraction of sealant in the solidification process, remember to close the doors and Windows when sealant construction;At the same time, closing doors and Windows during rainy days helps to keep out moist air.

Summer construction: sunny days generally do not affect the construction, rainy days do not suggest construction, or close the doors and Windows to keep the indoor dry environment before construction.

3. Requirements of temperature for use

Summer: generally can be directly glue.

4, the product storage temperature requirements: above 5℃

Winter: It is necessary to pay attention to heat preservation when sealant is stored in winter. The storage temperature should be between 5℃ and 30℃, or below 5℃ or even below 0℃, if the sealant is not kept warm, it will lead to product quality problems.

Summer: store in a place indoors away from direct sunlight, prohibit high temperature exposure.

PS: To sum up, because the product is affected by temperature and humidity, it is suggested that the owner choose kelin ceramic tile seam and other big brand products, which is convenient for construction and guaranteed quality, and only need to pay attention to the method of use.