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गैर विषैले caulking कंपाउंड टाइल चिपकने वाला रासायनिक grout waterborne epoxy चिपकने वाला(मैट सतह, पतन, उच्च पूर्णता नहींकैलसीन रेत, स्थिरता से रंग, टाइल की तरह दिखता हैऑस्ट्रेलिया संयुक्त अनुसंधान और विकासआयातित कच्चे मालउच्च शक्ति, पहनने वाले प्रतिर
The product of China epoxy filling grout factory rcan be better used in the joints of ceramic tile, stone, glass, mosaic tile on the wall or flour in bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and so on. It is a preference product in family decoration, adding negative oxygen ion to purify air. Australia joint research and development products to make the better performance, and through the Chinese Academy of Sciences strategic quality control guidance, to make products quality stable. Welcome to contact us- China chemical grouting m anufacturer cooperation.
Varieties of colors for your choice. Also provide custom colors.
Provide Whole Room Gap Solution
Brief Construction Process
Professional Joint-Pressing Tool
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