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केलिन टाइल ग्राउट के पैकेजिंग प्रकार(उपयोग: पेपर चाकू या एक पेशेवर क्रैक-सफाई उपकरण का उपयोग ब्रश या वैक्यूम क्लीनर के साथ सिरेमिक टाइल एपर्चर से चोरी किए गए सामान साफ ​​हैं, स्पंज के साथ मोम के दोनों किनारों पर अंतर में खेलेंगे, फिर प्लास्टिक के सिर

केलिन टाइल ग्राउट के पैकेजिंग प्रकार(उपयोग: पेपर चाकू या एक पेशेवर क्रैक-सफाई उपकरण का उपयोग ब्रश या वैक्यूम क्लीनर के साथ सिरेमिक टाइल एपर्चर से चोरी किए गए सामान साफ ​​हैं, स्पंज के साथ मोम के दोनों किनारों पर अंतर में खेलेंगे, फिर प्लास्टिक के सिर

2021-09-08 11:52:16

At present, most of the sealant on the market are two-component plastic cans, which is a common packaging. Of course, most of products from Kelin tile grout manufacturer are packaged in two components. The other type of packaging, however, comes in barrels, which contain more net content than two-component cans.

Obviously, the use of sealant in different packages must be different. Then, how to use these two sealant? What difference does it make?

1. Fill containers with sealant

2. Packaged sealant and barrel sealant

Usage: before use, ceramic tile and gaps need to be removed, ensure no dust, no impurities and water, and then the AB two bags of material according to the proportion of 1:1 mixed stirring, tune into a paste, scraper put the paste evenly fill in gaps, with a slightly damp sponge to burnish, and clear the surface of ceramic tile, waiting for the cure.

Whether in bottles or barrels, the products of kelin epoxy tile grout supplier are environmentally friendly, waterproof, moisture-proof and mildew proof, but the packaging is different.

Relatively speaking, among the packaging types of sealant, it is the most convenient to use the sealant in bottles and jars, and it is very convenient to remove the manual paste making step. The use of bagged or barged sealant products needs to be manually made into paste, adding and stitching, which is more complicated, but it is suitable for small tiles such as Mosaic, so please choose carefully according to your specific construction environment.